Video EEG Done Better.

Portable Robotic Video EEG Solution

High quality EEG amplifiers, video and cloud solutions for neurologists.
Neurology teams struggling with managing infrastructure-heavy Video EEG setups will love our automated and portable new solution. With our patented automated movement tracking, obstruction detection and world-class optics, you’ll be able to capture seizure episodes in QHD clarity. The device is light weight and robust and provides outstanding quality even in low light settings. All our devices come with comfortable wearables for tracking patients over long periods of time. If you’re running a clinic or remote diagnosis facility, you may be interested in our affordable options that can be used with ease in low resource settings.

Portable Robotic Video EEG Solution

Automated De-identification for Patient Videos

What Our Champions are Saying
Simon Griffin
“The ability to deidentify subjects in videos is critical… I see great deal of use in clinical space and in pharmaceutical trials space.”
Dr. Heidi Grabenstatter
Dr. Siby Gopinath
“30% of all epilepsies we see are refractory and a solution like this is really needed.”
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